The Remembrance Service and Parade will take place on Sunday 10 November.
Military contingents, veterans and the City of Southampton (Albion) Band will leave Guildhall Square at 10.35am and head towards the Cenotaph in Watts Park, where the annual Remembrance Service will begin shortly before 11am. The service is expected to last around one hour, and everyone is welcome to attend.
The Right Worshipful Lord Mayor of Southampton Councillor David Shields, Deputy Lieutenant the Lady Wakeham MBE DL, and Chief Inspector Chris Douglas will be in attendance, along with other key members of Southampton City Council.
The Right Worshipful Lord Mayor of Southampton, Councillor David Shields said:
“Please do join us at the Cenotaph on Sunday 10 November if you are able to. It is so important that we come together to remember and give thanks to all serving troops, both past and present and of course their families. Southampton’s Service and Parade is always incredibly special, and I personally take the time to reflect on our city’s resilience.”
Archie Parsons from Southampton Royal British Legion said:
“On Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day, we reflect and give thanks to all those that played their part in bringing peace and those who helped to re-build our great city to what it is today. I hope the people of Southampton will join us at the Cenotaph as we remember them.”
Over the last two years, 2000 poppies have been generously knitted and donated by communities across Southampton to create a display at the Cenotaph for Remembrance and in local libraries. These will be on display again this year.
For those wishing to attend the event, sustainable transport should be considered. Residents can plan their journeys using My Journey Southampton.
Friends of Southampton Old Cemetery will also be holding a service in the afternoon.
Find out more about Remembrance in Southampton on the Visit Southampton Website.