With World Mental Health Day happening on the 10th of October, our mental health is becoming something that is more widely spoken about. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, and both can often be linked. Although this subject may still be difficult for some people to discuss, it is always a good thing to know where you can get help and how to access it. If you or someone you know should ever need it all of the following services are available to access in Southampton:
Steps to Wellbeing – This service is a free, confidential NHS service for to people aged 18+. Offering Cognitive behavioral therapy for depression and anxiety disorders, and short-term counselling. You can refer yourself via email or telephone. They also offer employment support for those looking to re-enter the work environment, or who’s mental health is affecting their ability to work.
Telephone for self-referrals: 0800 612 7000
Telephone for information: 02380 272000
Email: [email protected]
Solent Mind – Mind operates an Information Line which provides information on types of mental health problem, where to get help, medication and alternative treatments and advocacy. They provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem
Phone: 023 8202 7810 | Fax: 023 8202 7811
Email: [email protected]
Mail: Solent Mind, 15-16 The Avenue, Southampton, SO17 1XF
No Limits – No Limits is a charity offering free and confidential information, advice, counselling, advocacy and support to children and young people under the age of 26 in Southampton and Hampshire. Young people can come to No Limits for free support on a wide range of issues including housing, homelessness, debt, employment, relationships, sexual health, mental health and substance misuse. Support is offered at the No Limits Advice Centre in Central Southampton and through outreach work delivered in schools and colleges across Hampshire.
13 High Street
SO14 2DF
Phone: 02380 224 224
Email: [email protected]
Change, Grow, Live: Drug and alcohol recovery services – This service can support you through your journey to recovery. They also give you advice about the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol. The services are free and confidential and are open to all adults experiencing difficulties with drugs and alcohol.
Telephone: 02380 717171
Email [email protected]
Women’s aid and Yellow Door – Established in 1985, Yellow Door are a friendly, non-judgmental charity specializing in supporting people who have experienced, or are at risk of domestic or sexual abuse.
Office: 023 8063 6312
Helpline: 023 8063 6313
Cruse bereavement counselling – Cruse Bereavement Care’s vision is that all bereaved people have somewhere to turn when someone dies. They offer free and confidential counselling services provided by trained volunteers.
South Hampshire 023 8077 4900
National helpline: 0808 808 1677
The Firgrove Centre – counselling services that offer support with:
– baby loss at any stage of pregnancy
– a birth mother’s loss to adoption
– unplanned pregnancy
– loss following a termination
A client’s reason for seeking counselling may be recent or from many years ago and clients can be seen separately or as couples. The team are specifically trained to deliver bereavement counselling and unbiased support for an unplanned pregnancy.
Telephone 023 8078 3134
Email: [email protected]
website: www.thefirgrovecentre.org.uk
Relate, relationship counselling – Offering services such as relationship counselling, family Counselling, sex therapy, marriage counselling and separated Parents Information Programmes.
Telephone – 023 8022 9761
Email [email protected]
The lighthouse – The Lighthouse is an informal, non-judgmental, out-of-hours mental health service for anyone over the age of 18 who requires short-term support in times of great difficulty or is struggling with poor mental health.
Visiting the Lighthouse may be useful if you are:
• Feeling overwhelmed or hopeless.
• In need of urgent mental health support
• Having thoughts to end your life
• Feeling isolated or alone
• Confused about where to find support
The Lighthouse, 147 Shirley Road, Options Wellbeing, The Annexe, Southampton, SO15 3FH
Free listening services:
The Samaritans-
The Samaritans offer emotional support and a listening ear 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:
Free UK Telephone Number: 116 123
Email – [email protected] – responses within 24 hours
Text “SHOUT” to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line, or text “YM” if you’re under 19
If you’re under 19, you can also call 0800 1111 to talk to Childline. The number will not appear on your phone bill.
If you are concerned about your safety or you do not feel able to keep yourself safe, please contact one of the following for support:
• Contact a friend or family member
• NHS out of hours support: 111 or 999 (in the case of an emergency)
• Speak with your GP or other healthcare professionals involved in your care
• Take yourself to A&E and ask to speak to the mental health team.
Other useful services:
· National Domestic Abuse Helpline Freephone 24hr 0808 2000 247.
Online support: www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/Contact-us
· Rape Crisis National Helpline 0808 802 9999 12.00 -14.30 and 19.00 – 21.30 every day.
Online support: www.rapecrisis.org.uk/get-help/want-to-talk
· LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline 0800 999 5428
· Men’s Advice Line for male victims of domestic abuse: 0808 801 0327 or www.mensadviceline.org.uk
· The Mix, free remote counselling and help for under 25’s: 0808 808 4994
· Rights of Women legal advice lines: www.rightsofwomen.org.uk/get-advice/advice-lines
· For domestic abuse perpetrators and those supporting them Respect Phone line provides a confidential helpline, email and webchat service: 0808 8024040 or www.respectphoneline.org.uk
Childline: – call 0800 1111 or access : https://www.childline.org.uk
Gambling support – https://www.gamcare.org.uk/?cn-reloaded=1
Written by Lauryn: @lauryns_kitchen