Hey everyone, Happy Friday!! Hope you’ve all had a good week.
Ok outdoor obstacle season is round the corner, the weather will hopefully be improving and people will start to book these amazing events. So these events can be done with any number of people and are a great bonding and team experience. So if you enjoy being in the great outdoors and accepting sometimes some quite gruelling challenges and obstacles, then these are for you. Oh and expect the odd bit of mud!!!!!!!
Some of these events are more competitive than others and some are more just for fun and for receiving a medal at the end. The more fun events are less stressful and no hardcore training regime is required but for the more serious triathalon based courses obviously these will require a lot of training. Also there is a lot of variation in price with the obstacle courses.
I competed in Tough Mudder last year with my best friend and loved it, we had such a good day and everyone is in such high spirits and help you out when you need it!! We were electric shocked, submerged in ice water, thrown over walls, we hung from monkey bars, crawled through tunnels and got absolutely filthy! We received a medal and a beer at the finish line and then drove home. It really was a fun day and I may do it again this year.
So have a look online and see what courses are available, the distances of the courses varies as does the intensity so shop around and be prepared for fun and dirt and crazy laughs!!
Have a great weekend everyone!